Summer Spruce Up Time

Summer is finally here and it’s exciting! You’re probably spending more time outdoors enjoying the sunshine, and feel full of energy and motivation. Summer is the season relating to Fire, it’s a time of connection, a time to build your fire and power up your body, and a time to improve your cardiovascular system.

“Fire is the element of the Summer season and represents the energy of warmth, maturity, expansion, connection, relationships, and love. In Summer, the activities of nature have reached their peak. The Sun is the strongest and the days the longest”

It’s the best time to get on the mat!

Although it’s the silly season, I’ll be running a special offer between Christmas and New Year to help you feel energised and not sluggish between all the festive eating and drinking. I’ll be running 10 classes for only $100! Find the class timetable below.

OR…kick-start your 2023 with UNLIMITED Yoga for January. Let me help you feel ready to take on the new year with unlimited yoga for 4 weeks.

Summer is the season of rising Yang energy. It is when we move from twisting and flexibility moves to strengthening our major muscle groups, improving our heart function and boosting our immune systems.

Let’s have a quick look at the Natural Element Health theory of summer and my recommended tips to help you enjoy this gorgeous season. These tips will remind you of the balance that we need to strive toward in our own lives. Gaining balance means you can achieve optimal health.

🔥 Summer, the warmest season, relates to the organs: heart and small intestine.

Fire can mean heat, something that is burning, also urgency or speed. Fire gives life, warmth, and also maturity.

An emotion associated with Fire is happiness.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is associated with the Heart and with Fire.

Since we are part of nature, we too experience that same energetic movement of fire. It shows up as the emotion of Joy and the ability to express deep feelings of love, warmth, spontaneity, passion, and compassion. It’s our ability to feel connected to other people and our world.

  • Physically, fire shows up as our heart, the part of us that expresses our true spirit and consciousness; the small intestine, responsible for sorting and separating or digesting and making our food into fuel; the pericardium, which guards the heart, allowing the entry and exit of appropriate energy; and the Triple Heater, responsible for the movement and balance of heat and fluids in the body and our lymphatic system.

  • Spiritually, the fire energy has to do with our full expression of being, knowing our true spirit, and shining it out to the world.

  • In Summer, the powerful growth spurts of springtime have given way to an abundance of new life. We have beautiful plants including yummy vegetables and powerful healing herbs, buzzing insects and noisy birds squawking in the loudest voice they can. Summer is the time of year the energy of nature is at its fullest, biggest, brightest. Life is shining and moving as powerfully as it can. 

In us, the energetic movement that summertime represents shows up as our fullest capacity of being who we are. We have abundant energy, so it is time to take advantage of this energy and build our strength, our power, our biggest and fittest heart, and love life, enjoy playfulness, relationships, and with this comes joy. 

My recommended Summer Tips are:

1.    Dance 🤗

Put your favourite music on and dance, if you can walk you can dance so let your body move! You can even sing along if you want.

2.    Laugh 🟢

Summer is a time for joy! Get together with friends and laugh, tell jokes, watch a comedy or just laugh for the sake of laughing. In Japanese Yoga, we do laughing practices that never fail to have everyone rolling and truly having a good belly laugh.

3.    Entertain 🤸‍♀️

Have friends over, enjoy the backyard and the warm balmy nights, and the great fresh salad and vegetables that are abundant this time of year. We have had so much time being locked away in isolation, it is time to reconnect with family and friends.

Want to get the most out of Summer?

Join me for 10 Classes for $100 or Unlimited Yoga for January!

Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts on my Summer Self-Care Tips and most importantly how you went with some of the activities in the comments below. Post your pics and comments and tag me @naturalelementhealth, I’m on Instagram and Facebook.

Lisa 🌷


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