What should I eat in Winter?
Lisa Masters Lisa Masters

What should I eat in Winter?

This is part of my Winter Self-Care Routine. This blog talks about the Macrobiotic Diet. As we know Winter is a time of deep healing so you Yoga practice is yin focused. To compliment this I recommend learning about the Macrobiotic Diet, created by Micho Kushi, who recommended sound practices for developing balance in your life and strengthening one’s health. Macro means big, biotic means alive.

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Winter, a time to Reflect
Lisa Masters Lisa Masters

Winter, a time to Reflect

This is part of the Winter Self-Care Routine designed so you can get the most out of this powerful restorative season in your Winter yoga practice. This blog talks about the power of journaling and a time for reflection. Using the PIN point method you can journal with success.

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Lisa’s Winter Self Care Routine
Lisa Masters Lisa Masters

Lisa’s Winter Self Care Routine

Are you a winter person? Do you tend to hide inside in front of the heater, eating lots of warm rich food and end up feeling heavy and stressed? Lets have a look at the Natural Element theory of Winter and my recommended daily routine to get the most out of this precious restorative time.

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