Transition into Spring, join me for the Natural Element Health

Live in SYDNEY Studio

Spring Self-Care 1/2 Day Mini Retreat

Now that we can get out after COVID lockdowns, it’s time to give yourself and your body a fresh energising start. SO

I’m holding a Spring Self-Care 1/2 Day Mini Retreat, face to face, designed in easy and achievable sessions for all levels. All are welcome regardless if you are an experienced regular yoga person or a total newbie.

Transition into Spring

❔Are you ready to be strong, flexible and ready to renew your normal life?

❔Are you ready to feel light, creative and full of SPRING?

❔Are you ready to get out and spoil yourself?

❔Are you ready to learn how to make the most of Spring to get the most out of this gorgeous season in the best way possible?

❔Do you want to feel energised and refreshed?

❔Are you ready to learn all about Spring Yoga, Food, Self-Care & Breathing and Meditation?

❔Are you ready to get out from lockdown and re-enter the world feeling that your body is in optimal health, ready to fight off any lingering pathogen?

All the Details…

  1. Spring Self-Care 1/2 DAY MINI RETREAT by Natural Element Health

WHEN : Saturday 27th 2021

TIME : 8 am to 1 pm (AEST)

WHERE : Keystone Chiropractic & Yoga

13/28 Cambridge St., EPPING NSW 2121

Spring is the time of year when the energy is the most powerful for supporting change. Spring energy is expansive and opening and supports great change.

You will learn:

💚morning Spring Yoga, a Wood Element Postures with a focus on releasing tension and feeling relaxed

💚a powerful Spring breakfast routine

💚how to transition into spring food, tips on what is good to eat, how to cook it

💚self-care massage for Spring with a focus on the gall bladder meridian and introduction to Doh-In massage

💚an introductory breathing meditation to promote relaxation


Join me for a Spring Self-Care 🧘‍♂️1/2 Day Mini Retreat

🙏Please join me for a morning of self-care to energise you and your body during this spring season and COVID lockdown release. Spring is the season of change, for rebirth, renewal and regrowth. It is when we move from the darkness of (YIN) winter, into bright, fresh light and more energy (YANG).

Humans have always celebrated the 4 change of seasons each year, usually thru a fast and a celebration of changing what foods are eaten. It is recommended to do a small change of season detox for every season change. IF this is not possible I strongly recommended you do at least some form of SPRING change of season to reset your body. This could be a retreat or detox, or even just following my Spring Tips.

The results from a spring cleanse are really profound. By doing a Spring Mini Retreat you will achieve some ultimate health results.

We are coming out of lockdown soon, so be ready to really come out strong flexible and ready to renew your normal life. To re-enter the world feeling that your body is in optimal health, ready to fight off any lingering pathogens and feeling light, creative and full of spring.

This Mini Retreat is specifically designed for those who have never had that retreat experience yet want to get an introduction to that retreat experience. It is also suitable if you just need a morning of self focus and self care in an intimate small group situation. Spots are limited so secure your place now.

Run Down of the Sessions

Session # 1 - Morning Spring Yoga (8- 9 am)

BREAK for Breakfast (9 - 9.30 am) *Notes provided

Session # 2 - Spring Food and What to Eat and How to Cook it (9.30 -11.00 am)

BREAK (11 - 11.30 am) * Notes provided

Session # 3 - Self-massage and Spring Points (11.30 - 12.30 pm)

Session # 4 - Breathing and Introduction to Meditation (12.30 - 1 pm)

*I’ve scheduled a BREAK from 9 - 9.30 am then 11 - 11.30 am for your convenience. Notes will be provided on what you should do on your own during this 1hr break.

Bookings and prices are below. Spaces are limited so I can provide the maximum amount of attention to you during the Retreat, so reserve your spot now below.

I hope you can join me, Lisa Masters


The Spring Self-Care 1/2 Day Mini Retreat is ONLY

AUD $200

Includes 4 sessions + a take away workbook + notes for the BREAK + x2 Organic Meals + live cooking demonstrations.

Once you book you will receive specific instructions from Lisa by 📧


Private Yoga Therapy Class

with Lisa Masters

Private Yoga-therapy is the best way to receive a tailored functional plan to really get results, fast.

Private Digital 60 mins $250AUD

Private in Studio 30 mins $120 AUD

(Currently available via Digital due to COVID)


Lisa Masters typically has a wait list for private appointments greater than 2 months. Please request to joint the waitlist below for the next available appointment time.