Lisa’s Autumn Self-Care Tips

Autumn is the Season relating to Metal, it’s a time of clarity, a time to build your vitality and energy in your body, and a time to improve your respiratory and elimination systems.

Join the Autumn Retreat🤸

I am excited to be finally holding the Autumn (face to face) Retreat at Nowra on 25th-27th March, 2022

Are you ready to empower your lungs? Are you ready to make clear decisions?

Autumn is the season of letting go, a time for making clear decisions, renewal, and regrowth. We move from the outward Yang-like energies of the Wood and Fire elements that came before it and it is moving to a time for introspection and decision-making.


Let’s have a quick look at the Natural Element Health theory of autumn and my recommended tips to help you enjoy this season of clarity. These tips will keep you reminded of the balance that we need to strive toward in our own lives. Gaining balance means you can achieve optimal health.

“Metal urges us to let go of that which doesn’t serve us anymore and to refine and purify that which does”.

🍁🫁Autumn relates to the organs: Lungs and Large Intestine.

One of the defining characteristics of Metal is its ability to cut through life; separating the unnecessary, spent, and impure from that which is worth retaining and refining.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn is associated with the Lungs and Large Intestine and with Metal

Since we are part of nature, we too experience that same energetic movement of metal. It shows up as the emotion of Grief and the ability to clean, to grasp, to hold, and to separate what we need and what we don’t.

  • In contrast to the humidity found in the Earth phase before it, the reductive and dispersing nature of Metal brings about a dryness; as the unimportant or toxic waste is drained and cleared away in the form of sweat, exhalations, urine, and excrement.

  • The recognition of grief is not about regret, but release, and must be honored when the time requires. This process of letting go keeps us in contact with ourselves and allows us to move forward to the death of a cycle and the emerging birth of a new one. This release allows us to move full circle into the most Yin-like of phases, which we find in the Water element that succeeds it.

  • In nature this process can be seen in the Autumn season Metal represents, whereby the leaves of the trees begin to fall to the ground so that important nutrients can be redirected to the roots of the trees to be stored for Winter. The lungs and trees perform very similar roles in that they both exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. In the case of our body, this oxygen once converted by the lungs is then released into our blood and back into our heart to be pumped around our body. 

My recommended Autumn Tips are:

1.    Breathe 🤗

Try this breathing practice to increase your lung capacity and get a boost of energy. I often do this breathing practise when I go for my daily walk.

Exhale: forcefully through your mouth, getting all the air out.

Inhale: through your nose and hold your breath in for a count of 4.

Exhale: through your mouth again.

Inhale: through your nose and hold your breath for a count of 6.

Keep going, each time increase holding your breath in for another 2 seconds longer until you are holding your breath in for a count of 16. Relax and breathe normally for 1-2 minutes after. Feel the buzz you get from supercharging your body with oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide.

2.    Clean and Clear 🟢

Autumn is a great time to get rid of some clutter, and it does not matter if it is around your house, unsupportive acquaintances, or in your own body, do a clean and clear and detox your life. This will improve your ability to move forward without feeling like you are stuck in your past dragging the old forward with you.

3.    Decisions 🤸‍♀️

The Metal Element ultimately represents the closing of any project or endeavor. Make time to finish any projects that you started, and then focus and decide what you really want to keep in your life.

Make sure you are following Natural Element Health on Instagram or Facebook 👉🏼

Want to get the most out of Autumn?

Join me for the 🤸Autumn Self-Care Retreat

Includes yoga classes + all meals (both full meals or detox menu available) + accommodation in a 4 person room + breathing and meditation classes + Creative Art class + heaps more !

UPGRADE your accommodation to a shared 2 person room or a private room.


Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts on my Autumn Self-Care Tips and most importantly how you went with some of the activities in the comments below. Post your pics and comments and tag me @naturalelementhealth, I’m on Instagram and Facebook.

Lisa 🌷

Join me for morning or afternoon Yoga. New classes available so check out the timetable and reserve your spot now.

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Time to Power Up and Detox


Lisa’s Summer Self-Care Tips