Spring: It’s a good time to make change
Spring is finally here and it’s exciting!
You have probably noticed that the days are longer, and you want to get outside more, but this weather also confuses our bodies. One day it’s 36 degrees and the next only 18 degrees. Spring is a time of change, a time of wind, and a time for expansive growth and change. Good health means that you have the ability to adapt to the variety of seasonal changes that we experience, and also not suffer from the daylight saving changes.
“The super natural forces of spring create wind in Heaven, and wood upon the Earth. Within the body they create the liver and the tendons: they create the green colour…and give the voice the ability to make a shouting sound…they create the eyes, the sour flavor, and the emotion anger.”
It’s the best time to improve your flexibility!
New Spring Timetable Changes
Tiffany will be teaching a relaxing Calm Yoga on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. This is a great class to improve your flexibility and get your body de-stressed for the week. Bel will be teaching the basics of yoga on Thursday at 6.00 p.m. where you can focus on improving your basic moves, or introduce a friend to the benefits of Japanese Yoga. This class will run for an 8-week period.
Spring Tips: What it means to be healthy in spring
Spring is the season of expanding energy. We focus on twisting and flexibility moves, doing a liver detox, and building our immune systems. Let’s have a quick look at the Natural Element Health theory of spring and my recommended tips to help you enjoy this gorgeous season. These tips will remind you of the balance that we need to strive toward in our own lives. Gaining balance means you can achieve optimal health.
🌳 Spring, the most expansive season, relates to the organs: liver and gallbladder.
💨 Wind can mean changeable, something that is unpredicable and always changing.
🤬 The Liver rules smooth flow of emotions, Qi and blood. The emotion associated with Spring is anger. This is what happens when our Qi is stagnant and blocked.
Since we are part of nature, we too experience that same energetic movement of wind. As stated in TCM, the Liver more specifically gets depleted during this time of year, as there are more allergens in the air and more wind which can get trapped in the body. The best way to support the Liver is to do a detox.
Doing a detox is not something you should fear, but something you should look forward to. We have just finished a 2-week program designed to reduce inflammation, clear imbalanced hormones, and detox the blood for improved digestion and metabolism. Below are some of the hints that we followed. If you missed out on the Metabolism Reboot detox but are keen to do it, please contact me and I can get you started!
On a daily basis, we are not only exposed to environmental pollutants but ingest toxins as well (in the form of processed foods and pesticides)! An effective and sustainable body clarification is one that involves fresh, organic, and whole foods that promote health and wellness.
These are my recommended Spring Foods that will boost metabolism, improve energy and flexibility, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and give you glowing supple skin:
Cayenne pepper
Green tea
Brazil nuts
Green Tea
Coconut Oil
Green Tea
2024 Yoga Teacher Training
Want to learn more about meridians and yoga?
Enrolments for the 500+ Masters Meridan Yoga Teacher Training are now open for 2024!
Exciting News: I’m happy to announce that I’m also taking expressions of interest for a Meridian Yoga Therapy Course starting in 2024. This is a 1 year course, that is only available to teachers qualified in Japanese or meridian yoga teaching. It will require dedication to the study of asanas and their therapeutics, pathophysiology, diagnostic methods and treatment protocols for individual clients or small groups. If you think you have what it takes or want to further your education, enrolments will be by application only.
Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts on my Spring Self-Care Tips and most importantly how you went with some of the activities in the comments below. Post your pics and comments and tag me @naturalelementhealth, I’m on Instagram and Facebook.
Lisa 🌷